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If you are not able to find the answer to your question below, please contact us by phone or fill out our contact request form.
My gate is misaligned. What do I do?
You can first attempt to fix it yourself. Use this short video as a guide.
If you are unable to adjust it please call our office or submit a request online and we will make arrangements to come out to your home and adjust your gate. This service call may include a minimum fee.
How are underground utilities (electric/cable/phone/etc) avoided during installation?
At least 5-7 working days before we start your job, we will place an excavation request call to PA 1-CALL. This request dispatches representatives of companies that may possibly have underground lines on your property. If there are lines, they are marked with paint or flags which tell us where we can and cannot dig.
If there are private underground electric or sewer lines installed by you or your home builder, let us know so we can avoid them.
Do I need a building permit for my fence? What do I have to do to get one?
In most cases, a building permit is required within city or borough limits while more rural areas are less regulated. It is a good idea to check with your municipality office since all have different codes. Usually a copy of the proposal we mail to you is sufficient for the codes department in your borough to issue you a permit. Every township or borough is different, but on average, it takes approximately a week to receive your permit.
How close can I put the fence to my property line?
It depends on your municipality codes, but in most cases, it is anywhere from right on the line to a 1’ offset. Going with a 6” offset is a good way to play it safe.
Do I need a survey?
We will help you determine if you need a survey. If you are unsure of the property line and can’t find the marking pins, it is probably a good idea to get one, even though it may cost a couple hundred dollars. Your current neighbor may be fine with the fence line, but if a new owner moves in, surveys the property, and determines your fence is on their property, you will spend more money to move the fence than you could have spent on a survey before building it.
Do you charge sales tax?
The customer is required to pay sales tax on retail (material-only) purchases, but sales tax is not required for a job that is installed by R&S.
Where can I find the warranty card for your vinyl fence material?
You can find the warranty card for our vinyl fence at the link below.
What areas do you work in?
You will find our work throughout Central Pennsylvania. We generally stay within the bounds of Chambersburg in the West to Hershey/Palmyra in the East and Gettysburg in the South to Central Perry County in the North. These are not definite boundaries, so feel free to call if you live outside of this area.
Do you use concrete when setting posts?
Yes. All of our fences except for split rail are set in concrete. The hole is dug 2-3’ deep (depending on fence type) and dug wider or "belled" out at the bottom. The top of the hole will be back-filled with dirt. Proper installation of posts is critical to a fence installation.
Is there a long wait to have my job installed, and how long will it take once you get started?
Our waiting list for installations will vary throughout the year. The summer months are the busiest, therefore the wait will be a bit longer. A good estimate is 1-2 weeks in the winter and 2-4 weeks in the summer, but your estimator will have a better time frame for you.
The time span of a job is usually 1-4 days. For wood fence, we prefer to set posts on the first day, then let the concrete harden for a couple days before we come back to finish the job. PVC and Aluminum fences require the posts to be installed at the same time as the panels so the job will usually take 1-2 days.
Being that you are using 8 ft fence sections, which are more prone to sagging over time, does your manufacturing offset this somehow?
We use aluminum inserts in all bottom rails, which prevents sagging.
What are the rail dimensions?
Top Rail: 2” x 3.5”, Middle Rail: 1.5” x 5.5”, Bottom Rail: 1.5” x 5.5” , Oversized Bottom Rail: 2" x 6"
Are you using virgin or recycled vinyl?
The outer layer or “cap stock” is made from a virgin compound, but the substrate is actually a blend of virgin and recycled material. The recycled materials come ONLY from unused or “drop” pieces accumulated in the fence and window manufacturing industries.
Despite what you make think or may have heard about recycled products, this particular process actually results in a finished FENCE product that is even stronger than virgin vinyl, because the recycled substrate actually has a stronger blend of the UV inhibitors and chemical compounds that are found in high strength window and door extrusions.
How far below the soil line does the concrete top off in the post holes? Concerned about the frost level.
We stop the concrete about 3-4 inches below the surface.
How far down are the posts installed?
Posts are installed approx. 33.5” in ground. See shop drawing below.
Will there be an anti-have frost bar installed in the bottom of every post?
Rather than using a frost bar, we dig the post holes this way to prevent frost heave.